TTIP talks: What’s cooking?
- Perspectives on Food & Farming
Executive Summary
The main objective of the EU – US trade deal is to
non-tariff barriers
(NTBs) to trade between the Europe and the US.
The conference
“TTIP talks – What’s
cooking: perspectives on food and
organised by the Greens/
EFA group in the European Parlia-
ment, brought together a wide range
of stakeholders concerned with the
impact of TTIP on food and farm-
ing in the EU and the US. The main
objective of the conference was to
highlight how TTIP will affect differ-
ent issues ranging from food safety
standards to protection of consumer
interests and public health. The TTIP
project is not a traditional trade
deal, because tariffs between the
two trading blocks are very low on
average in most sectors. :The main
objective of the EU – US trade deal is
to remove non-tariff barriers (NTBs)
to trade between Europe and the
US. In layman’s terms these NTBs
are areas standards relating to food
safety, environmental and consumer
protection, and public health.