Tell your Ministries to block 3 genetically modified maize from entering EU fields!

No new GM plants have been authorised for cultivation in the EU in almost 20 years. In the coming weeks, the European Commission will submit to the Member States’ experts three draft regulations aimed at the authorisation for cultivation in the EU of two GM maize varieties (Bt11 and 1507) and at the renewal of one further variety- Mon 810. There is a high risk that these regulations will pass, even though a clear majority of EU citizens is against the use of biotechnologies in fields and food.

The European Parliament has already made its view clear, as it objected to these three authorization proposals back at the beginning of October. The responsibility is now in the hands of the Member States to do likewise, and you can make the difference!

There are ample reasons not to allow GM cultivation in the EU. Biotechnologies allow privatisation of seeds and of food by the agro-industry. GM plant cultivation is known to increase pesticide use, and is a threat to agro-ecological systems (such as organic farming for example) because of gene contamination in the fields. But more importantly, we do not need GM plants, as we are already producing more than enough food for the EU population, and GM plants do not offer any advantages in terms of price or quality.

The draft regulations will be debated by Member States’ experts on December 9 and voted on January 17. Now is the time to let your Minister know what you think! Use our templates below to send an email to the ministers involved.

Austria - Andrä Rupprechter

Email to:

Sehr geehrter Herr Minister Rupprechter,

Mitte März stimmen die EU-Mitgliedstaaten in Brüssel über den Anbau von gentechnisch verändertem Mais ab.

Die EU-Kommission legte dem Berufungsausschuss für Pflanzen, Tiere, Lebensmittel und Futtermittel einen Entwurf für die Erneuerung der Anbauzulassung von Monsantos Mais MON810 und die erstmalige Genehmigung zweier weiterer Maissorten vor: Syngentas Mais BT11 und Duponts Mais TC1507.
Stimmen die Mitgliedstaaten mit „Ja“, wäre dies die erste Zulassung für den Anbau von genetisch veränderten Organismen (GVO) in der EU seit 18 Jahren.

Ich bin, so wie die Mehrheit der europäischen Bürgerinnen und Bürger, strikt gegen den Anbau genetisch veränderter Organismen in der Europäischen Union. Ich fordere Sie daher eindringlich auf, gegen den Anbau zu stimmen.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen


Belgium - Maggie De Block

Email to:

Geachte minister DeBlock,

Langs deze weg wil ik u laten weten dat ik helemaal gekant ben tegen het telen van genetisch gewijzigde gewassen, gelijk waar in Europa.

Midden maart legt de Europese Commissie drie voorstellen voor de goedkeuring van genetisch gewijzigde maïs op de tafel van het Permanent Comité voor planten, dieren, levensmiddelen en diervoeders. Het gaat over de goedkeuring van twee nieuwe maïsplanten (Bt11 en 1507), en een maïsvariëteit die een hernieuwde goedkeuring moet krijgen (MON810). Dit zou de eerste toelating zijn van een ggo in Europa in 18 jaar.

Ik ben ervan overtuigd, overigens samen met een meerderheid van EU-burgers, dat deze ggo’s niet moeten geteeld worden in Europa.

Kunt u laten weten welk standpunt België zal innemen in het Permanent Comité?

Vriendelijke groeten,


Belgium - MC Marghem

Email to:

Madame la Ministre,

Je souhaite vous exprimer ma totale opposition à toute culture de plantes génétiquement modifiées dans l'Union européenne.

En mars, le Comité d'appel des végétaux, des animaux, des denrées alimentaires et des aliments pour animaux votera l'autorisation de deux nouveaux maïs GM (le maïs BT11 de Syngenta et le maïs TC1507 de Dupont) et le renouvellement de l'autorisation du maïs Mon810 de Monsanto. Il s'agirait de la première nouvelle autorisation d'OGM à la culture dans l'UE ces 18 dernières années.

Je suis fermement persuadé, comme l'est une majorité de citoyens de l'UE, que ces plantes génétiquement modifiées ne devraient pas être cultivées dans l'Union européenne.

Pourriez-vous m'indiquer comment le représentant belge au Comité Permanent votera à ce sujet en janvier ?

Très cordialement,


Belgium - Joke Schauvliege

Email to:

Geachte minister Schauvliege,

Langs deze weg wil ik u laten weten dat ik helemaal gekant ben tegen het telen van genetisch gewijzigde gewassen, gelijk waar in Europa.

Midden maart legt de Europese Commissie drie voorstellen voor de goedkeuring van genetisch gewijzigde maïs op de tafel van het Permanent Comité voor planten, dieren, levensmiddelen en diervoeders. Het gaat over de goedkeuring van twee nieuwe maïsplanten (Bt11 en 1507), en een maïsvariëteit die een hernieuwde goedkeuring moet krijgen (MON810). Dit zou de eerste toelating zijn van een ggo in Europa in 18 jaar.

Ik ben ervan overtuigd, overigens samen met een meerderheid van EU-burgers, dat deze ggo’s niet moeten geteeld worden in Europa.

Kunt u laten weten welk standpunt België zal innemen in het Permanent Comité?

Vriendelijke groeten,


Belgium - Willy Borsus

Email to:

Monsieur le Ministre,

Je souhaite vous exprimer ma totale opposition à toute culture de plantes génétiquement modifiées dans l'Union européenne.

En mars, le Comité d'appel des végétaux, des animaux, des denrées alimentaires et des aliments pour animaux votera l'autorisation de deux nouveaux maïs GM (le maïs BT11 de Syngenta et le maïs TC1507 de Dupont) et le renouvellement de l'autorisation du maïs Mon810 de Monsanto. Il s'agirait de la première nouvelle autorisation d'OGM à la culture dans l'UE ces 18 dernières années.

Je suis fermement persuadé, comme l'est une majorité de citoyens de l'UE, que ces plantes génétiquement modifiées ne devraient pas être cultivées dans l'Union européenne.

Pourriez-vous m'indiquer comment le représentant belge au Comité Permanent votera à ce sujet en janvier ?

Très cordialement,


Bulgaria - Desislava Taneva

Email to:

Dear Ms Taneva,

I want to let you know that I am completely opposed to genetically modified organisms being cultivated anywhere in the European Union.

Mid-March there will be a vote on the authorisation of cultivation of genetically modified maize. Indeed, the EU Commission submitted to the Appeal committee on Plants, Animals, Food and Feed a draft for the renewal of the authorisation of cultivation of Monsanto’s maize Mon810 and the 1st authorization of 2 more GM maize: Syngenta’s maize BT11 and Dupont’s maize TC1507. This would be the 1st authorisation of GMOs for cultivation in the EU in 18 years.

I strongly believe, as a majority of EU citizens, that these GM plants should not be cultivated in the EU.

Could you tell me what the Bulgarian representative in the Standing Committee will vote?

Best regards,


Croatia - Vlada R. Hrvatske

Email to:

Dear Madam/Sir,

I want to let you know that I am completely opposed to genetically modified organisms being cultivated anywhere in the European Union.

Mid-March there will be a vote on the authorisation of cultivation of genetically modified maize. Indeed, the EU Commission submitted to the Appeal committee on Plants, Animals, Food and Feed a draft for the renewal of the authorisation of cultivation of Monsanto’s maize Mon810 and the 1st authorization of 2 more GM maize: Syngenta’s maize BT11 and Dupont’s maize TC1507. This would be the 1st authorisation of GMOs for cultivation in the EU in 18 years.

I strongly believe, as a majority of EU citizens, that these GM plants should not be cultivated in the EU.

Could you tell me what the Croatian representative in the Standing Committee will vote?

Best regards,


Cyprus - Nicos Kouyialis

Email to:

Dear Mr Kouyialis,

I want to let you know that I am completely opposed to genetically modified organisms being cultivated anywhere in the European Union.

Mid-March there will be a vote on the authorisation of cultivation of genetically modified maize. Indeed, the EU Commission submitted to the Appeal committee on Plants, Animals, Food and Feed a draft for the renewal of the authorisation of cultivation of Monsanto’s maize Mon810 and the 1st authorization of 2 more GM maize: Syngenta’s maize BT11 and Dupont’s maize TC1507. This would be the 1st authorisation of GMOs for cultivation in the EU in 18 years.

I strongly believe, as a majority of EU citizens, that these GM plants should not be cultivated in the EU.

Could you tell me what the Cyprus representative in the Standing Committee will vote?

Best regards,


Czech Republic - Marian Jurečka

Email to:

Dear Ms Jurečka,

I want to let you know that I am completely opposed to genetically modified organisms being cultivated anywhere in the European Union.

Mid-March there will be a vote on the authorisation of cultivation of genetically modified maize. Indeed, the EU Commission submitted to the Appeal committee on Plants, Animals, Food and Feed a draft for the renewal of the authorisation of cultivation of Monsanto’s maize Mon810 and the 1st authorization of 2 more GM maize: Syngenta’s maize BT11 and Dupont’s maize TC1507. This would be the 1st authorisation of GMOs for cultivation in the EU in 18 years.

I strongly believe, as a majority of EU citizens, that these GM plants should not be cultivated in the EU.

Could you tell me what the Czech representative in the Standing Committee will vote?

Best regards,


Denmark - Esben Lunde Larsen

Email to:

Dear Mr Larsen,

I want to let you know that I am completely opposed to genetically modified organisms being cultivated anywhere in the European Union.

Mid-March there will be a vote on the authorisation of cultivation of genetically modified maize. Indeed, the EU Commission submitted to the Appeal committee on Plants, Animals, Food and Feed a draft for the renewal of the authorisation of cultivation of Monsanto’s maize Mon810 and the 1st authorization of 2 more GM maize: Syngenta’s maize BT11 and Dupont’s maize TC1507. This would be the 1st authorisation of GMOs for cultivation in the EU in 18 years.

I strongly believe, as a majority of EU citizens, that these GM plants should not be cultivated in the EU.

Could you tell me what the Danish representative in the Standing Committee will vote?

Best regards,


Estonia - Marko Pomerants

Email to:

Dear Mr Pomerants,

I want to let you know that I am completely opposed to genetically modified organisms being cultivated anywhere in the European Union.

Mid-March there will be a vote on the authorisation of cultivation of genetically modified maize. Indeed, the EU Commission submitted to the Appeal committee on Plants, Animals, Food and Feed a draft for the renewal of the authorisation of cultivation of Monsanto’s maize Mon810 and the 1st authorization of 2 more GM maize: Syngenta’s maize BT11 and Dupont’s maize TC1507. This would be the 1st authorisation of GMOs for cultivation in the EU in 18 years.

I strongly believe, as a majority of EU citizens, that these GM plants should not be cultivated in the EU.

Could you tell me what the Estonian representative in the Standing Committee will vote?

Best regards,


Finland - Kimmo Tiilikainen

Email to:

Dear Mr Tiilikainen,

I want to let you know that I am completely opposed to genetically modified organisms being cultivated anywhere in the European Union.

Mid-March there will be a vote on the authorisation of cultivation of genetically modified maize. Indeed, the EU Commission submitted to the Appeal committee on Plants, Animals, Food and Feed a draft for the renewal of the authorisation of cultivation of Monsanto’s maize Mon810 and the 1st authorization of 2 more GM maize: Syngenta’s maize BT11 and Dupont’s maize TC1507. This would be the 1st authorisation of GMOs for cultivation in the EU in 18 years.

I strongly believe, as a majority of EU citizens, that these GM plants should not be cultivated in the EU.

Could you tell me what the Finish representative in the Standing Committee will vote?

Best regards,


Germany - Barbara Hendricks

Email to:

Sehr geehrte Frau Bundesministerin Hendricks,

Mitte März stimmen die EU-Mitgliedstaaten in Brüssel über den Anbau von gentechnisch verändertem Mais ab.

Die EU-Kommission legte dem Berufungsausschuss für Pflanzen, Tiere, Lebensmittel und Futtermittel einen Entwurf für die Erneuerung der Anbauzulassung von Monsantos Mais MON810 und die erstmalige Genehmigung zweier weiterer Maissorten vor: Syngentas Mais BT11 und Duponts Mais TC1507.
Stimmen die Mitgliedstaaten mit „Ja“, wäre dies die erste Zulassung für den Anbau von genetisch veränderten Organismen (GVO) in der EU seit 18 Jahren.

Ich bin, so wie die Mehrheit der europäischen Bürgerinnen und Bürger, strikt gegen den Anbau genetisch veränderter Organismen in der Europäischen Union. Ich fordere Sie daher eindringlich auf, gegen den Anbau zu stimmen.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen


Germany - Christian Schmidt

Email to:

Sehr geehrter Herr Bundesminister Schmidt,

Mitte März stimmen die EU-Mitgliedstaaten in Brüssel über den Anbau von gentechnisch verändertem Mais ab.

Die EU-Kommission legte dem Berufungsausschuss für Pflanzen, Tiere, Lebensmittel und Futtermittel einen Entwurf für die Erneuerung der Anbauzulassung von Monsantos Mais MON810 und die erstmalige Genehmigung zweier weiterer Maissorten vor: Syngentas Mais BT11 und Duponts Mais TC1507.
Stimmen die Mitgliedstaaten mit „Ja“, wäre dies die erste Zulassung für den Anbau von genetisch veränderten Organismen (GVO) in der EU seit 18 Jahren.

Ich bin, so wie die Mehrheit der europäischen Bürgerinnen und Bürger, strikt gegen den Anbau genetisch veränderter Organismen in der Europäischen Union. Ich fordere Sie daher eindringlich auf, gegen den Anbau zu stimmen.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen


Hungary - Sándor Fazekas

Email to:

Dear Mr Fazekas,

I want to let you know that I am completely opposed to genetically modified organisms being cultivated anywhere in the European Union.

Mid-March there will be a vote on the authorisation of cultivation of genetically modified maize. Indeed, the EU Commission submitted to the Appeal committee on Plants, Animals, Food and Feed a draft for the renewal of the authorisation of cultivation of Monsanto’s maize Mon810 and the 1st authorization of 2 more GM maize: Syngenta’s maize BT11 and Dupont’s maize TC1507. This would be the 1st authorisation of GMOs for cultivation in the EU in 18 years.

I strongly believe, as a majority of EU citizens, that these GM plants should not be cultivated in the EU.

Could you tell me what the Hungarian representative in the Standing Committee will vote?

Best regards,


Ireland - Michael Creed

Email to:

Dear Mr Creed,

I want to let you know that I am completely opposed to genetically modified organisms being cultivated anywhere in the European Union.

Mid-March there will be a vote on the authorisation of cultivation of genetically modified maize. Indeed, the EU Commission submitted to the Appeal committee on Plants, Animals, Food and Feed a draft for the renewal of the authorisation of cultivation of Monsanto’s maize Mon810 and the 1st authorization of 2 more GM maize: Syngenta’s maize BT11 and Dupont’s maize TC1507. This would be the 1st authorisation of GMOs for cultivation in the EU in 18 years.

I strongly believe, as a majority of EU citizens, that these GM plants should not be cultivated in the EU.

Could you tell me what the Irish representative in the Standing Committee will vote?

Best regards,


Italy - Beatrice Lorenzin

Email to:

Gentile Min. Lorenzin,

sono un cittadino italiano e vorrei che sapeste che sono assolutamente contrario a consentire che gli organismi geneticamente modificati siano coltivati sui campi europei.

A metà marzo ci sarà un voto per autorizzare alla coltivazione alcune mais OGM. Infatti, la Commissione Europea ha sottoposto alla Commissione di appello PASS per il rinnovo dell'autorizzazione alla coltivazione del mais Monsanto Mon 810, e per consentire l'introduzione anche dei mais Syngenta BT11 e Dupon TC1507. Questa sarebbe la prima autorizzazione a coltivare OGM in Europa da diciotto anni a questa parte.

Credo fortemente, come la maggioranza dei cittadini europei, che queste piante OGM non dovrebbero essere coltivate in Europa.
Dopo la pessima figura, e la mancanza di coordinamento del voto di gennaio, mi saprebbe dire come l'Italia è intenzionata a votare nella Commissione?

cordiali saluti,

Italy - Maurizio Martina

Email to:

Gentile Min. Martina,

sono un cittadino italiano e vorrei che sapeste che sono assolutamente contrario a consentire che gli organismi geneticamente modificati siano coltivati sui campi europei.

A metà marzo ci sarà un voto per autorizzare alla coltivazione alcune mais OGM. Infatti, la Commissione Europea ha sottoposto alla Commissione di appello PASS per il rinnovo dell'autorizzazione alla coltivazione del mais Monsanto Mon 810, e per consentire l'introduzione anche dei mais Syngenta BT11 e Dupon TC1507. Questa sarebbe la prima autorizzazione a coltivare OGM in Europa da diciotto anni a questa parte.

Credo fortemente, come la maggioranza dei cittadini europei, che queste piante OGM non dovrebbero essere coltivate in Europa.
Dopo la pessima figura, e la mancanza di coordinamento del voto di gennaio, mi saprebbe dire come l'Italia è intenzionata a votare nella Commissione?

cordiali saluti,

Latvia - Jānis Dūklavs

Email to:

Dear Mr Dūklavs,

I want to let you know that I am completely opposed to genetically modified organisms being cultivated anywhere in the European Union.

Mid-March there will be a vote on the authorisation of cultivation of genetically modified maize. Indeed, the EU Commission submitted to the Appeal committee on Plants, Animals, Food and Feed a draft for the renewal of the authorisation of cultivation of Monsanto’s maize Mon810 and the 1st authorization of 2 more GM maize: Syngenta’s maize BT11 and Dupont’s maize TC1507. This would be the 1st authorisation of GMOs for cultivation in the EU in 18 years.

I strongly believe, as a majority of EU citizens, that these GM plants should not be cultivated in the EU.

Could you tell me what the Maltese representative in the Standing Committee will vote?

Best regards,


Lithuania - Virginija Baltraitien

Email to:

Dear Ms Baltraitien,

I want to let you know that I am completely opposed to genetically modified organisms being cultivated anywhere in the European Union.

Mid-March there will be a vote on the authorisation of cultivation of genetically modified maize. Indeed, the EU Commission submitted to the Appeal committee on Plants, Animals, Food and Feed a draft for the renewal of the authorisation of cultivation of Monsanto’s maize Mon810 and the 1st authorization of 2 more GM maize: Syngenta’s maize BT11 and Dupont’s maize TC1507. This would be the 1st authorisation of GMOs for cultivation in the EU in 18 years.

I strongly believe, as a majority of EU citizens, that these GM plants should not be cultivated in the EU.

Could you tell me what the Lithuanian representative in the Standing Committee will vote?

Best regards,


Luxembourg - Fernand Etgen

Email to:

Monsieur le Ministre,

Je souhaite vous exprimer ma totale opposition à toute culture de plantes génétiquement modifiées dans l'Union européenne.

En mars, le Comité d'appel des végétaux, des animaux, des denrées alimentaires et des aliments pour animaux votera l'autorisation de deux nouveaux maïs GM (le maïs BT11 de Syngenta et le maïs TC1507 de Dupont) et le renouvellement de l'autorisation du maïs Mon810 de Monsanto. Il s'agirait de la première nouvelle autorisation d'OGM à la culture dans l'UE ces 18 dernières années.

Je suis fermement persuadé, comme l'est une majorité de citoyens de l'UE, que ces plantes génétiquement modifiées ne devraient pas être cultivées dans l'Union européenne.

Pourriez-vous m'indiquer comment le représentant belge au Comité Permanent votera à ce sujet en janvier ?

Très cordialement,


Malta - Roderick Galdes

Email to:

Dear Mr Galdes,

I want to let you know that I am completely opposed to genetically modified organisms being cultivated anywhere in the European Union.

On 17 January there will be a vote on the authorisation of cultivation of genetically modified maize. Indeed, the EU Commission submitted to the Standing Committee on Plants, Animals, Food and Feed a draft for the renewal of the authorisation of cultivation of Monsanto’s maize Mon810 and the 1st authorization of 2 more GM maize: Syngenta’s maize BT11 and Dupont’s maize TC1507. This would be the 1st authorisation of GMOs for cultivation in the EU in 18 years.

I strongly believe, as a majority of EU citizens, that these GM plants should not be cultivated in the EU.

Could you tell me what the Maltese representative in the Standing Committee will vote?

Best regards,


Poland - Krzysztof Jurgiel

Email to:

Dear Mr Jurgiel,

I want to let you know that I am completely opposed to genetically modified organisms being cultivated anywhere in the European Union.

Mid-March there will be a vote on the authorisation of cultivation of genetically modified maize. Indeed, the EU Commission submitted to the Appeal committee on Plants, Animals, Food and Feed a draft for the renewal of the authorisation of cultivation of Monsanto’s maize Mon810 and the 1st authorization of 2 more GM maize: Syngenta’s maize BT11 and Dupont’s maize TC1507. This would be the 1st authorisation of GMOs for cultivation in the EU in 18 years.

I strongly believe, as a majority of EU citizens, that these GM plants should not be cultivated in the EU.

Could you tell me what the Polish representative in the Standing Committee will vote?

Best regards,


Romania - Achim Irimescu

Email to:

Dear Mr Irimescu,

I want to let you know that I am completely opposed to genetically modified organisms being cultivated anywhere in the European Union.

Mid-March there will be a vote on the authorisation of cultivation of genetically modified maize. Indeed, the EU Commission submitted to the Appeal committee on Plants, Animals, Food and Feed a draft for the renewal of the authorisation of cultivation of Monsanto’s maize Mon810 and the 1st authorization of 2 more GM maize: Syngenta’s maize BT11 and Dupont’s maize TC1507. This would be the 1st authorisation of GMOs for cultivation in the EU in 18 years.

I strongly believe, as a majority of EU citizens, that these GM plants should not be cultivated in the EU.

Could you tell me what the Romanian representative in the Standing Committee will vote?

Best regards,


Slovakia - Gabriela Matečná

Email to:

Dear Ms Matečná,

I want to let you know that I am completely opposed to genetically modified organisms being cultivated anywhere in the European Union.

On 17 January there will be a vote on the authorisation of cultivation of genetically modified maize. Indeed, the EU Commission submitted to the Standing Committee on Plants, Animals, Food and Feed a draft for the renewal of the authorisation of cultivation of Monsanto’s maize Mon810 and the 1st authorization of 2 more GM maize: Syngenta’s maize BT11 and Dupont’s maize TC1507. This would be the 1st authorisation of GMOs for cultivation in the EU in 18 years.

I strongly believe, as a majority of EU citizens, that these GM plants should not be cultivated in the EU.

Could you tell me what the Slovakian representative in the Standing Committee will vote?

Best regards,


Slovenia - Dejan Židan

Email to:

Dear Židan,

I want to let you know that I am completely opposed to genetically modified organisms being cultivated anywhere in the European Union.

Mid-March there will be a vote on the authorisation of cultivation of genetically modified maize. Indeed, the EU Commission submitted to the Appeal committee on Plants, Animals, Food and Feed a draft for the renewal of the authorisation of cultivation of Monsanto’s maize Mon810 and the 1st authorization of 2 more GM maize: Syngenta’s maize BT11 and Dupont’s maize TC1507. This would be the 1st authorisation of GMOs for cultivation in the EU in 18 years.

I strongly believe, as a majority of EU citizens, that these GM plants should not be cultivated in the EU.

Could you tell me what the Maltese representative in the Standing Committee will vote?

Best regards,


Sweden - Sven-Erik Bucht

Email to:

Dear Mr Bucht,

I want to let you know that I am completely opposed to genetically modified organisms being cultivated anywhere in the European Union.

Mid-March there will be a vote on the authorisation of cultivation of genetically modified maize. Indeed, the EU Commission submitted to the Appeal committee on Plants, Animals, Food and Feed a draft for the renewal of the authorisation of cultivation of Monsanto’s maize Mon810 and the 1st authorization of 2 more GM maize: Syngenta’s maize BT11 and Dupont’s maize TC1507. This would be the 1st authorisation of GMOs for cultivation in the EU in 18 years.

I strongly believe, as a majority of EU citizens, that these GM plants should not be cultivated in the EU.

Could you tell me what the Swedish representative in the Standing Committee will vote?

Best regards,


United Kingdom - Andrea Leadsom

Email to:

Dear Ms Leadsom,

I want to let you know that I am completely opposed to genetically modified organisms being cultivated anywhere in the European Union.

On 17 January there will be a vote on the authorisation of cultivation of genetically modified maize. Indeed, the EU Commission submitted to the Standing Committee on Plants, Animals, Food and Feed a draft for the renewal of the authorisation of cultivation of Monsanto’s maize Mon810 and the 1st authorization of 2 more GM maize: Syngenta’s maize BT11 and Dupont’s maize TC1507. This would be the 1st authorisation of GMOs for cultivation in the EU in 18 years.

I strongly believe, as a majority of EU citizens, that these GM plants should not be cultivated in the EU.

Could you tell me what the representative of the United Kingdom in the Standing Committee will vote?

Best regards,